Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I'm very partial to the pelicans here in FL - they are endlessly entertaining to watch, and I think they have rather amazing eyes.  This photo is uncropped - my subject was keeping me in his sights, but unperturbed by my proximity.  I took this from a distance of about 10 feet.  He's lovely, isn't he?

Hubs and I went down to Gulfport just to stroll around the Tuesday market, have a leisurely lunch and make a quick stop at Clam Bayou (where this photo was taken).  While we were at the Bayou, I got a text from a friend of mine from NJ saying that she was in FL!  

Turns out she'd just arrived after several long days of driving and hadn't yet booked a hotel, so I convinced her to come to our place and stay the night with us.  She and I went out this afternoon for a little birding.  Then, she and hubs and I went to the Fl Botannical Garden to see their Christmas lights display (it was wonderful) followed by dinner.  Many laughs and lots of fun.  Tomorrow morning she and I will head down to Fort DeSoto for some birding/photography.  Like me, she's an avid photographer so I know we'll have a great time.  Plus she's better at the shore birds than I am, so she can help me id them!

Six more pics from today posted starting HERE on Flickr...

Two more sleeps...


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