
We've been treated to quite a display from the Barn Swallows around here. They sit on the empty water tanks and preen themselves. We have up to a dozen of them hanging around at a time.

This one was a sweetie and seemed to have heaps of personality. Little Miss was quite taken with him.

We had a look at some early Boxing Day sales this afternoon with Miss MB and ended up buying a couple of rugs for the new house instead of the fridge we set out to get. Oh well, we need them since the floors are tiled in our new house. The fridge can wait!

I've just made a pizza and salad for dinner and in a couple of hours we'll be heading off to Midnight Mass with the girls and the inlaws. It's a late night, but such a beautiful time to spend with family.

Little Miss tells us that we'll be getting up at at 7:30 for present opening tomorrow. I've never really been excited about Christmas as an adult, but seeing the joy in a 9-year-old's eyes helps to swing even this old cynic!

Wishing you all a joy-filled Christmas.

~The Barkings~

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