Mr. HCB wanted to go to the Nature Reserve at Stanpit, but didn’t think it would be suitable for me to go, so I stayed in Christchurch while he went off looking for birds  and from the list he told me, it sounds like he had a great time.

I had a cup of coffee to warm myself up, as it was rather cold, then walked up towards the Priory - the frost was still very evident, and I noticed that there were some beautiful spiders’ webs on the gates, so took quite a lot of photographs of them, looking through to the Priory itself.

It was very peaceful in the grounds - in fact, much quieter than in the actual Priory - so I wandered round and in the quietness of the churchyard, prayed for a friend of mine.

I liked this shot where the sun is shining through the cobweb and making it glisten.

Learn to get in touch
with the silence within yourself,
and know that everything in life
has purpose.
There are no mistakes,
no coincidences,
all events are blessings
given to us to learn from.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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