Cream Beauty

I received a text from my friend Gaynor this morning.  “Spectacular flower if u want 2 cum down.”  Some of Gaynor’ flowers are not to be missed so I sent her a text.  “Coming now.  Put kettle on please! Will bring muffins.”  I was not disappointed.  Gaynor has a collection of Schlumbergeras (also known as the Christmas Cactus) and one particular plant had produced a single really spectacular flower.  It is in some lovely shades of cream and is the size of a teacup.  There were some ants climbing over it… one is shown in this image.  (Check it out in large). 
My early morning walk was disappointing photographically with low grey clouds and poor light so I was very grateful to Gaynor for providing me with a lovely flower to blip. 

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