Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Too funny to pass up

When I got home from Circle B Bar this afternoon and uploaded my pics, I laughed when I saw this one.  And, since I sorely need laughs right now, I decided this would be my one photo for today.  I kind of imagine a dialoge something like this...

Duck 1:  Hortense, what is that big... PINK thing?

Duck 2:  Beatrice, I'm not sure but I suggest we keep our distance

Spoonie:  Jeez, how on earth do you little things eat with those dinky little beaks?

Beatrice:  Eeeeek - fly, Hortense, FLY!  It's every duck for herself.

Or something like that.  (Roseate spoonbill and two female blue-winged teal.)

Eleven other shots from today posted on Flickr starting HERE - lots of cool things, including a wet, curious raccoon.  

All of Phoebe's blood work came back good, so all we have to do how is get her ultrasound on Friday to see if there is anything going on with her heart.  Keep fingers crossed, please.  

Still missing Rocket, but each day is getting a little easier.  At least now I can look at pictures of him without bursting into tears.  And Phoebe is the grateful recipient of all the extra love hubs and I have to bestow now.

Happy Hump Day, people...


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