Little Miss Innocent

This is Miss L at Stowe this afternoon trying to take out a "tree" out of their model of the gardens. I love it when she's trying to look innocent!
I took Miss E over to Mrs W's at lunchtime for a sleepover with Miss T. We arrived at a good time and Miss E sat down to a feast of sausages, bacon, eggs, toast and beans the minute we got there!
Mrs W went out to yoga for a few hours and Mr N took his three children plus Miss E to a play centre in Northampton. Very impressive - thank you Mr N!!
I came home, had a spot of lunch with Mr K and Miss L and then we headed off out - in the Siberian gales - to Stowe Gardens. It was lovely despite being freezing and it was good to be out in the fresh air.
I watched my husband and daughter eat sausage rolls and cake and tried not to hope they'd choke on them  while I drank tea.
We took the buggy down the track to the gates and then - when the man told us they shut at 4pm and not 5pm as I'd thought - we got the buggy straight back up again. Call us wimps but it was about minus forty and getting dark!
We had fun wandering down the lane - tracking horses, dogs and humans, making our own footprints in the mud, jumping on and off benches, "sidewalking" on muddy banks and birdspotting. I pointed out a pied wagtail to Miss L and asked her why she thought it was a pied wagtail. It's tail was going up and down like a mad thing which I thought would help.
Her answer? "Because it looks like a pie!!"
She does make me laugh!
We popped in to see Papa in the shop on our way home and accidentally bought a lovely new bookcase from Mr C.
Then it was home and bed for Miss L. Broadchurch and curry for me and Mr K.
Over the last few nights we've watched the entire first series which we finished tonight and followed with episode one of the new series. I think I'm going to get withdrawal symptoms tomorrow night!!

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