
I'm a bit of a sucker for B4 during and after shots.
WHEN I remember.
Somehow I think before might have been censored anyway.
Out went the 3 ton C.R.T. television, aided by two big lads.
In came the flat screen job I could throw across the room unaided.
This to be followed by the ''after'' shot ... As in ... After Chippy manufactures ''The Item'' which Herself has been ''desperately seeking'' (Sorry, couldn't resist it.) for lo these MANY moons.

It, rapidly, became apparent that nobody, anywhere, made what She wanted in a length to accomodate the gap.

Enter Chippy, chisels akimbo, tape in hand, pencil behind lug-hole.

All shall be revealed in due course.

The usual weeks shopping, in the drizzle and dreich, during which time nothing of merit popped its head over the parapet. We forgot me beer.


Ah well, there's always tomorrow.
We're so tuned in to alcohol that Gaffer's birthday meal was partaken of with the bottle of Chilean Merlot bought for the occasion still in the cupboard. I dare say it'll see the light of day on Sunday, ... , given we remember.

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