Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


It was tempting to go with my "comfort zone" and choose a bird as my photo of the day... but I was feeling like doing something different.  This won't measure up to some of the seascapes you'll see here on Blipfoto .. but I like it.  And, really, what better criteria do any of us need?  

I went out for a walk this morning, while hubs went for a run.  I managed to get some good shots of a beautiful Great Blue Heron, in glorious breeding plumage.  A year ago, that would have been my blip - after all, to be within 20 feet of such a wondrous bird and to be able to photograph it to my heart's content... well, what could be better?

Which led me to a philosophical debate with myself... am I becoming a lazy photographer here in FL?  Does the fact that I can get in my car and drive less than 10 minutes and see birds like herons, egrets, spoonbills, etc up close and personal make me work less for a good shot?  When I lived in NJ and had my Bistro, did the fact that I could walk outside and get close up shots of blue jays, cardinals, woodpeckers and a host of other beautiful feathered creatures make me lazy?  

I don't have the answer, but it gives me pause to consider.  And maybe that is why I chose a photo that I'm somewhat uncomfortable with for today's shot.  I'm not very good at seascapes, and I'm not comfortable with mono ... and maybe it is good for me to push myself into things that feel awkward sometimes.  I'll let you be the judge of that.

Hubs and I had a really lovely afternoon strolling along the waterfront in St. Petersburg for several hours.  It's a beautiful city and it was a beautiful day.  And if you'd like to see a few birds and a few other "awkward" shots, I've posted six on Flickr, starting HERE with some Skimmers

Heading into a new week, people ... let's make it a good one!


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