Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

On my tippy-toes

Oh, what a fun day!  Hubs and I met up with Mr. & Mrs Sefferdog at Fort DeSoto this morning.  It was freezing chilly COLD so we bundled up (Wade and I lugging our big lenses) and off we went in pursuit of birds and things.  I had been hoping that I would be able to find a Reddish Egret since he'd not had a chance to photograph one before ... well, luck was on my side because we found TWO, the second one being extremely cooperative in allowing us to watch him fish for nearly an hour.  I'm pretty sure Wade's photo today will be a wonderful one and you should definitely check to see what he offers us.  I got some fun shots of the reddish, too and have posted them on Flickr. (Seven shots starting HERE

My offering today is a tricolor heron who was fishing with the reddish egret.  The tricolor is a delicate, small member of the heron family and a total delight to watch.  This one came out of the water, preparing to relive itself, as it turned out (and be thankful I didn't post THAT shot!) and as it stood in front of me posing, it fluffed up.  Snap.  Blip in the bag.

We saw a total of 33 bird species today - not a banner day in Fort DeSoto terms, but cool in that we saw a couple of rarities - Common loons (a lucky spot from the boat launch) and Common Terns (who should be long gone south of here by now.)  Also white pelicans, which are always a total delight.  We took a break for a lovely lunch at an Italian restaurant about 10 minutes from the Fort and finally bid each other farewell around 2.  

What fun it is to spend time with blip friends.  This is why I don't worry about what cosmetic changes are made to Blip - what makes this place special is the friendships that evolve, and the wonderful, talented people who choose to share a bit of themselves here.  

Happy Weekend.


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