Double Dexter

Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched?

Well, I do. I have a 20-pound Tabbycat who adores me, and he likes to follow me around the house and participate in whatever I am up to. When he isn't participating, he is at least watching.

One of his favorite places to hang out in the morning is on the bathroom sink. I run water in the sink for him, and he drinks from it and plays in it. Sometimes we add duckies, just for fun. His purr echoes off the bathroom tiles.

After dinner, Dexter also enjoys hanging out with me in the backseat of my car in the garage. I am not really sure how the ritual started, but it's something we do almost every day. He has his supper, and then we sit in the car, often for as little as five minutes. What counts is that we do it together.

I was home for about 10 days at Christmas. The University where I work closes down and everybody gets that time off. The two fur-faces in my life (the little one in this photo as well as the larger, bearded husband) prefer it when I'm home more.

When I went back to work last week, it was seen as a real hardship in my household. It was rough on me, of course, as I had forgotten what it is I do for a living while I was gone. (Happens every year.)

But it may have been even harder on them, I think. And I've caught each of them on occasion since then, gazing adoringly in my general direction with a lovestruck look. Kinda like this.

Now, when I look in the mirror, what I see is double Dexter . . . which is to say, double trouble! And so the song to accompany this image of the ever delightful Dexter with his yellow-green eyes and cute pink chin is a tune by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Love Struck Baby. 

P.S. Have you ever taken a picture you really like, but then you discover after the fact that some really embarrassing detail is included in it? Well, I find I am frequently taking pictures using my bathroom sink as a backdrop, so you think I'd know enough to keep the mirror spotless. However, I see a nice, big fingerprint right on the mirror there. Oy vey, I think I'm going to have to go fire the housekeeper! (Which is me, of course.) Yeah, baby. Pardon the fingerprint. But we at GirlWithACamera Studios believe in keeping things . . . real. *nod-nod, nod-nod*

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