
By FlyingPRGal

Friday Stroll

After a busy week where I seem to have been stuck at my desk for most of the time, I've really missed my regular strolls around the Castle estate.

This afternoon I decided to hand deliver a press pack to the ticket office, in anticipation of a journalist visit tomorrow, giving me a brisk 1.5 mile walk.

The sun was setting as I walked down the driveway past the Castle and I felt like I was on the set of a remake of Hitchcock's 'Birds' as two large flocks of Canadian Geese munched on their supper making the most of the last light of the day. There is something quite eerie and serene about walking in the grounds after the day visitors have left.

Even with the Castle shrouded in scaffolding it still manages to look majestic and I never fail to be impressed by the view.

On the way back to the Estate Office I captured this photograph of the Maiden's Tower reflected in the moat by the night lights. It reminds me of a magical fairytale, even on a the bleak winter's day...

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