Convenient circumstances in ER blip

Emergency blip today. My selfie captured today at the office. I had booked me few hours time to learn to use a new application. At first I was helpless, but after I was given a short help from a collaque I was sure that I never will get the idea of the system into my head... After three hours learning by myself and reading manuals, I was quite sure I soon have to give up. I was talking to myself, and humming to the same and same and same song againg in my headset (music has always helped me to concentrate).
But suddently I saw the light and begun to remember issues. Suddently I just catched the idea of the software!


Maybe I an getting old..?
It really took (only) five hours, but I left home happily, almost jumping or floating along the snowy streets. The freezing cold -6 cloudy weather felt warm!

I tried to capture snow flakes, into macros, but there was now proper flakes... So after some hours trying I had to warm up sauna and enter this emrgency shot here:)

Thanks for lovely comments & stars yesterday!

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