Since “The Incident of the Right Knee in Waterstones” (sounds like the title of a book!), my mobility has been restricted, so we decided that it might be a good idea to think about changing the shower in our bathroom.  I said “think about” because Mr. HCB is not one to do things quickly - in fact, it usually takes him a long time to make a decision.  However, this time it has been different and he was quite keen for us to get this sorted out.

We got in touch with a local firm that had originally updated our bathroom in 1998 and Luke, a young man who works there, came out and measured up last Monday.  He said when he walked into the bathroom that it had been well kept so I told him that we were from the era that took care of things and didn't just change them on a whim!’

Luke said he would do all the costings etc and get in touch with us, which he did yesterday.  We went in to their showroom today to see Luke and also met Martin, our older son’s wife’s brother-in-law (work that one out!)  Martin has worked there forever and doesn’t look any different now than he did all those years ago.  

Whilst we were in there, two customers came in, and I knew them both - what a small world!  And even more amazing is the fact that the person who will be coming to fit our new shower, Dave, used to work in the same small company as me over 30 years ago.

So here today are two young men - well one young and the other a bit older - giving service with a smile - you guess which is which!

"Do what you do so well
that they will want to see
it again and
bring their friends."
Walt Disney

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