I'm not really a morning person but today I looked out of the window before 7.30 and saw this beautiful sunrise. I always think it's amazing how much the weather affects how we feel. 

If I look out of the bedroom window at a dull and grey sky then I'm very tempted to be morose and miserable but when I see a sky like this it just lifts my spirits and it makes me want to get up and get on! 

A lovely start to the day - made even better because I had an email from my son in Thailand letting me know his new address - and I haven't had an address for him for over a year - so any Mothers (and perhaps Fathers!) out there will know and understand how I feel!! 

I also had a Whatsapp conversation with a Blip friend in Guernsey and sent her a photograph of the sunrise, which encouraged her to have a look out of her window too.  I make no apology for putting this song on here again - enjoy - and I hope I will be singing when the evening comes!

And very soon I'm off to meet a friend for coffee - and as it was a fasting day for me yesterday - there might even be a piece of cake!!  As I said to my Guernsey friend "If God hadn't meant us to eat cake, He wouldn't have invented wooden spoons"!!!

Have a great Friday, blip friends far and wide - if you're at work, then remember tomorrow is the weekend - and if not, you could go and use that wooden spoon - or food mixer - and make a cake!! 

Never forget 
we are as different 
as the colors of a sunrise 
and these differences 
make us who we are… 
Amazing and 
Be who God made YOU to be! 

Karen Kostyla

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