Capital adventures

By marchmont

Cheese grater

Unfortunately no pretty pictures of York, instead an early blip from Aldgate of the new building, known as the Cheese Grater.

I'd bought a Tesco breakfast last night so after breakfast in bed it was off to York.  Bit of a hiccup about the booking but that overcome and we had a good meeting about Christmas, past and future.  it was a lovely journey up to York, frosty and sparkly.

Then it was off to meet I, my mother's cousin's widow.  We last met about 8 years ago when I went to York to find out about the grandfather I never met, JJR, Alex's uncle.

We had such a great time.  Never stopped talking.  It was VERY cold so after a spot of lunch it was back to Upper Poppleton and then a good yack before food and more chat about family and family history. 

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