Small Change

I was in two minds about whether to send Miss E to school or not this morning. She seemed OK - and didn't demand Calpol as soon as she opened her eyes - so I took her in. With a promise that I'd come and get her if she felt poorly later on.
I had planned to go and see Mrs C but I still felt a bit ropey myself and had a sneaking feeling I might get a call from school so I stayed at home.
At 12.30pm I got the call from school.
I was worried that Miss E would fall asleep on the sofa and when I had to wake her up to go and get Miss L and she'd be delirious and hysterical and thrash around screaming (which is the lovely way she woke up last time she fell asleep, poorly, on the sofa)
Thinking aloud, I asked the secretary what the policy was on taking little sisters home at the same time as poorly big sisters.
Before I knew it she had dashed into the headmistress' office and said "Mrs K want to know if she can take Miss L home as she's here for Miss E"
Erm, not exactly what I said!!!!
The headmistress looked pointedly at the clock and said obviously  it was only 12.45pm, obviously there was nothing wrong with Miss L, obviously  they'd be splitting the atom this afternoon in Reception so obviously  Miss L shouldn't miss a single second.
Obviously I left Miss L where she was.
And drove out feeling like a child who'd been caught nicking a biscuit.
I hadn't actually meant to collect Miss L - I was just thinking aloud and hoping the secretary might say "oh yes, that's what everyone does"
As it turned out I needn't have worried about Miss E falling asleep and getting distressed about going out in the car again.
She sauntered into the house, kicked her shoes off, picked up the computer and sat there right as rain for the afternoon.
I asked her why school had called me and she said her tummy hurt after  lunch. But she was feeling much better now.
Mr K and I passed like ships in the hallway as he came in from work and I headed out to Fat Club.
Three and a half pounds off, woohoo!
Back on track after my two and a half pound gain last week.
Nutella -  curative and slimming. Who knew?!!!

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