A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


To bi, or not to bi?

We're not exactly newspaper readers and when we do it's rather more Garadium than Sun. So when a certain newspaper offers free lego J is faced with the question of can he really bring himself to buy The Sun?

Commonsense and/or Capitalism (depending on your point of view) has won out. 50p even for a lone nondescript figure is a bargain, but for Batman...

And well, having brought one...

He was pleased that the assistant would take the money and not actually require he took the newspaper(s) away; acquiring stuff just to bin it really wouldn't do his eco-cred any good.

Weather was outstandingly dull today. Usual sort of Monday; quick walk to Morrisons - too dull and cold to bother blipping then; curry and karate (occasionally an unwise mix...).

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