Surprise Gift

Some time ago a package arrived for us. It had no return address except that of the company that sent it. Inside was an amaryllis bulb in a plastic pot with growing medium. The pot was smashed so I planted it in one of our clay pots. Time passed. At first it looked a bit iffy but then it began to grow. And now it is blooming. What exquisite beauty. I have no idea who sent this to us. If it was you, or you know who, please pass on our thanks. It is a lovely addition to our kitchen. It sits on the window sill just where we can see it every day. We really are happy with it and send thanks out to you, whoever you are.

About Arvin and the dentist. He went for an appointment today and the dentist was very kind. Turns out that Arvin had those back teeth out in 2004! I didn't remember and neither did he. I felt a right ninny but managed to hold on to my dignity laugh my tail off when I realized what had happened. Arvin got a good laugh too. The dentist found out why Arvin had been experiencing some pain and came up with a good solution which was to drink more fluids. Arvin was in and out in less than fifteen minutes.

We picked up Helena on the way home and she and Arvin are spending the afternoon together while I blip and do whatever I want with my time. Steve will be over later for dinner and games. It turned into a very nice day.

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