Yew Cogar Scar

Worth a bit of magnification this one. Not said that in a while! Follow the link and then click on the image to zoom in further.

The weather turned out to be much better than the forecast suggested so I ended up staying out on the bike for most of the day. The sun broke through the clouds just as I was leaving home and stayed out all afternoon. The skies today were the most beautiful I've seen in a long while, my favourite kind of skies for photography, full of nebulous patterns to diffuse the light to a wonderful softness and to provide beautiful backdrops to every landscape shot I took. I was in my element.

I chose to ride my favourite short route into the Dales, via Embsay, Hetton, Winterburn and Airton to Malham, and then across the moor to Arncliffe (just before which this shot was taken) and back down Wharfedale - about 54 miles. I did a lot of lingering, finding some old friends to catch up with, and stopping to take loads of photographs. Indeed, I lingered so long, and was paying so little attention to the time, that when I checked at Arncliffe I was somewhat horrified to find it was 4pm already. With about 24 miles still to cycle back home from there I had to put the foot to the pedal to make it before dark - which I just about managed. It was amazing how quickly the temperature dropped once the sun went down. And it was good to find some strength in the legs too.

That ride, and the photography, was just the tonic I needed today. I've been buzzing since I got back, but after having now eaten and chosen a shot to blip, the tiredness is beginning to wash over me. The combination of hard exercise and cold air takes it out of you. I guess I should give into it, but there's a project to be completed this weekend and I should really make a start on that! It's a fun project though! 

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