
By Madchickenwoman


Women Who Walk today! Just the three of us this time - so up into the woods of Cotehele, big loop and back again! Another glorious day weather wise.
I had heard a programme on Radio 4 yesterday with a blind photographer - she takes in an area with her senses, a friend describes it to her, then she takes photos based on all this information! She then "looks" at them again with another friend to select the ones she wants! So anyway, what with all the bird life on blip and the lack of birds in my garden ( apart from Milly and Tilly!), I am very attuned to birds at the moment, and heard so many different bird song on our walk - but rarely spotted them! Decided if I learnt their songs I would at least know which ones were about and could picture them in my mind!   
So todays blip is "The Birds"! Which is also one of my favourite Hitchcock films and its how I began seeing my ex-partner! He was on my course and a friend, who happened to call round when it was about to start, so everyone else having refused to stay up and watch it I persuaded him to - and got a whole lot more than I bargained for! Was good whilst it lasted! Lasted the last 2 years of college and well into our teaching years - but never in the same county! We were not meant to last longer and were just not right but it was all very heartbreaking at the time! Fond memories now and no regrets about anything!

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