Just one of those days

Surrounded by the detritus of the day as I've sat with my leg elevated on a cushion and stool, dosed up with antibiotics. I managed a conference call in the morning and several telephone calls from my co-partner about a myriad of issues. I wasn't expecting to do much work today, only to obey orders and rest up.

After a while sitting on the couch gets too much, you can only watch so much TV, surf so much of the net and email so many people. Getting to my feet was really painful but it had to be done now and again.

Ordered a new breadmaker - the one we've had for may be 9 or 10 years finally gave up when the paddle was stuck, refused to turn and broke part of the mechanism, which cannot be repaired. Did some research to try and find a builder to do some jobs out in the garden. Found a very interesting site called MyBuilder.com where you enter details of your job and that is pushed to all the builders who have joined the site. They contact you if they are interested. Each builder has a page and feedback comments. Seems like it might be a useful tool. We'll see.

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