
By lucia13

The shadows in the forest !

We were walking in the forest today with our friends and it was like a fairy tale. Now I understand why these flowers are called snowdrops. It was like a snow forest all around. To see thousands of flowers and sunshine made me very happy today. I was very surprised. It was a magical beautiful day! It was difficult to choose the pic. I was in shock when I saw that and I couldn't take a better one. I need to go more often to the forest and take more pics. Spring is coming soon and I don't want to miss this beautiful start.
We chose this one with our shadows in the carpet of snowdrops because we liked it and my husband was with me in this magical moment so here we are holding hands enjoying the view. Hope you are smiling. Still I am smiling too.
Thanks a lot for the kind and nice comments and stars and hearts for my sunset yesterday.
Today we saw another beautiful sunset but the snowdrops with our shadows won for the majority of us today.
Have a nice day everybody and keep smiling. Spring is nearly here wow!

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