
"Evolution was in a strange mood when that creation came along.... It makes one wonder just where the plant world leaves off and the animal world begins."

Well, the botanists amongst you will know that of course this isn't a spider, but wouldn't it make a great super scary one appropriate for a book about Australian Bugs (One for you Palladian!)?

It is Flower Friday of course so I decided to take myself off to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.  It's all quite brown and green at the moment apart from Croci, Camellias, Hellibore, snowdrops, and of course the beautiful spidery witch hazel.  I had one of these in my garden once but it didn't survive my ministrations unfortunately.

I shall go back again in a few weeks to see how things are progressing,  My Mom always used to take my nephews there when they were little so I hope she will enjoy coming with me now I am a member and that it will stir some memories for her...

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