Dinner Guest

This is the closest I have ever got to a kookaburra in the wild.  I was trying not to shake too much as I took the image because this was not taken on a zoom lens, just the smaller Sony.

I first spotted the kookaburra sitting on the timber wall that surrounds the Billabong - right outside the kitchen window.  It was really difficult trying to take the images through the glass window.  Next thing I know, Kev Kookaburra has flown onto the tent pole that holds up the shade cloth outside the living room.  I already had some shots in the camera so I thought to myself - nothing to lose here.  I slowly opened the door and stepped outside.  Kev didn't budge so I started chatting away to him....as you do and nudged my way until I actually got this close to him.

I was so sorry the light was so poor, it was just on dusk and very low light.  I have CCN as my witness blippers and it was a magical moment for both of us.  I have a felling this little kookaburra may be fed by someone because he wasn't a bit fazed by me talking to him and walking so close to him.  

I have been absolutely delighted with the response to my image of the Pink Flannel Flower.  I am so pleased that I have been able to share it with so many blippers around the world.  That's one of the reasons I love this website.  Thanks so much for the lovely comments, stars and hearts that you have showered on this little jewel of nature.

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