Double Celebrations

Today was all about me - Mother's Day and my birthday!!!
I was very spoilt!
The Little Misses have been getting more and more excited over the last few days planning surprises with Daddy. Miss E came in at 6am and asked if it it was time for the Mother's Day and Birthday things yet?!
Mr K got up with them and reined in their enthusiasm until about 9am.
They came in carrying a beautiful tray full of flowers, tea, toast, cards, drawings and bunting. They were singing "Happy Mother's Day to You" to the tune of Happy Birthday. So sweet!
They struggled back in carrying a clearly very heavy package between them. Mr K had bought a lovely games compendium from John Lewis - chess, draughts, backgammon, crib, playing cards and dice. Brilliant! 
As I was eating my toast Miss E was desperate to know when we could do Birthday stuff. Bless her, she was as excited as if it was her own birthday!
I came into the living room to more flowers and another pile of presents. A bronze hare from the Little Misses, a new mug and what Miss L calls an i-computer.
Yes Mr K couldn't resist any longer and has decided it's time I came into the Apple fold kicking and screaming!
This Blip has just taken about two hours to do - I've got new photo editing software, a weird keyboard, different shortcuts and nothing where it should be!!
But I'm being very brave and battling through!!
And it's very shiny!
Mr K taught Miss E to play chess while I had a very long bath. He's a fantastic teacher and Miss E seemed to get the hang of it very quickly.
We went over to my mum and dad's in the afternoon for dinner. We had planned to go to Coughton Court near Stratford, as we did last year on my fortieth, but the general freezingness, the threat of rain and the lingering lurgy put me off. We'll go when it's nicer.
Mum did a lovely salmon and we had a lovely fun and relaxing afternoon. The Little Misses were so well behaved and so nice and so funny. They made me very proud.
Motherhood doesn't always come naturally to me but at the moment they're making it easy. I love my Little Misses.
And their Daddy is pretty special too!

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