the grass is very short here now and the sheep follow us hoping for fresh grass that grows at the other side of the fence.
A lovely weatherwise day.
We had some errands to do in Beverungen, all went well, and from there we drove to Derental. On the map we had seen a sign that indicated that there should be a 'Wildgehege', we expected that to be a field with deer.
Derental is a pleasant quiet village and we walked around and while doing ,we looked out for a sign.
We asked it a local person, who answered that everybody asked but that where was none.
Nevertheless, we had a nice walk, and promised ourselves to come back for a longer walk soon.

My haiku:

Don't dispair dear sheep
Soon the grass will grow larger
That is what I expect

And the proverb:

Look for grass (Summer) on the top of the oak tree.

1670  in Ray.

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