
By Madchickenwoman

Here and There

For once I will start with the photograph - a novelty for me I know. 
This one of the bombed church In Plymouth, now acting as a roundabout, seemed to sum up my feelings about the news re blipfoto that I discovered when I got home full of excitement to see my photographs.

The church could be Blipfoto's future, soon perhaps to be abandoned. Once  a beautiful, soulful place of contemplation, a place of connection, of community,  but now unoccupied, looked upon with memories of what was. 
The double image the position I and others find themselves in - in two places, neither solid, both the same yet not the same. Both busy with people coming and going, leading their lives. We look on, not sure which is or will be reality - will they remain  seperate, will one disappear, if so which one? Will we simply drive on, looking for something, somewhere.

My heart aches for the pain many in this "Church" are feeling. I am a newbie but feel the potential end viscerally. I can only imagine how others must feel. I hope we all find our church, our place to celebrate, commiserate, observe, wonder, gasp in awe, laugh in delight at the things others have seen and shared.

I hope we remain in this one - and whilst I will have a presence in the other my heart is here and it will remain so until and unless someone pulls the plug. I have just seen earthdreamers blip and will follow his good advice.

I will leave the rest of todays musings to the other "church" - I doubt you have the time or will to read more here or there. 

Love to you x 

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