Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Langholm Walking Festival

I'm in Langholm for the Walking Festival. The festival was opened with a speech by a Hawick raconteur, Ian Randles, who gave us a plethora of walking quotes, good humour and song.

I went on the Wild Flower walk led by Mike Tinker and Harry Kay. They provided a splendid double act. The flowers are late, but that gave Harry opportunity to enthuse about grasses and rushes. Mike's beloved ferns are also late, so he had to confine himself almost entirely to the wild flowers.

The image is of wood cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum, the first I have seen this year. The colour of the flowers varies depending on the ph of the soil.

Tonight I went to the Buccleugh Centre to hear Talon "The Best of the Eagles". I must have been the only person in the hall who had not heard of the Eagles! Great musicians but very loud so I crept away after the interval and watched HIGNFY at the B & B.

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