Busy day today sorting out and tidying the house before my trip tomorrow.  All the activity has unsettled the cats but they are now exhausted and fast asleep.

Neil was at work today and then he was supposed to be going out with his Irish girlfriend to celebrate St Patricks Day.  However she has an abscess on a tooth and is taking antibiotics so she can't drink alcohol.  So she decided to stay in and Neil came here.

I only popped out of the house for a short while today to post this activity tracker back to base.  I have been wearing it for a week.  It tracked my activity and sleep patterns.  It was sent to me by Biobank UK.  Some years ago I joined the Biobank Project. This is what its all about.........

UK Biobank recruited 500,000 people aged between 40-69 years in 2006-2010 from across the country to take part in this project. They have undergone measures, provided blood, urine and saliva samples for future analysis, detailed information about themselves and agreed to have their health followed. Over many years this will build into a powerful resource to help scientists discover why some people develop particular diseases and others do not. The aim is to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses – including cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, eye disorders, depression and forms of dementia.

I'm glad to be part of the project which hopefully will help future generations.

Feeling ever so slighty more optimistic about the future of blip after reading the message from Joe Tree today.  Am posting this just in case fellow blippers have not had the chance to read it elsewhere,

Joe here, with a brief update on recent events.

Two weeks ago, following events outside its control, the Blipfoto Board of Directors took the incredibly difficult decision to put the company into liquidation. 

Following that decision, I and everyone else at Blipcentral have had to take a step back and let the experts we appointed take full control of the company. I apologise that our silence during this period has been difficult and unsettling, but it has been entirely necessary and proper.

I'm now in a position to release this statement to the community and provide some assurance that the liquidator — whose details are below — is confident a viable, long-term future for the Blipfoto platform, community and content will be secured in the coming days under new ownership. There is a preferred bidder and final discussions are taking place as I write.

As so many of you have said over the last 48 hours, this is a unique place underpinned by one of the most vibrant and supportive communities on the Internet - there’s really nothing quite like it. Our pictures and words have come to mean so much to us individually, but the way our collective story touches a much wider audience is truly remarkable, and something I’ll always be immensely proud of.

I can’t say any more at this stage, but I am optimistic the lights aren’t about to go out and know many people are working hard behind the scenes to make sure they shine even more brightly in the future.

Further announcements will follow as soon as possible.

Warm regards,

Joe Tree
Founder, Blipfoto

Won't be posting blips while I am away but I might be able to comment - if Becky lets me use her laptop.  So I will see you all on Saturday.  Have a good week everyone.

Steps today - 4,959

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