Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Wedding Anniversary

Its our wedding anniversary today. We haven't done anything special to celebrate it. We had been together for eight years before getting married. I didn't get a picture today so I have created my blip collage from some old pictures. So its a new picture to me today but taken in 2011. We were lucky with the weather for an outside wedding in March. It was a lovely relaxed informal affair with close friends and family. Its been lovely putting together the collage and looking through our wedding photos.

Had the in laws visiting today again, this was the last day they are off home tomorrow morning. And YAY the tractor is fixed so we have been able to put a bale of silage in with my sheep. I had to coax them away from the tractor with a bag of feed and was noticing some of them "bagging up" (milk filling the udder). So looks like they should come when expected which is end of next week.

Hoping for clear skies tomorrow morning so we can see the solar eclipse although its looking as though we will have cloud cover.

5c no wind overcast but dry until 4pm when we are getting a small sprinkling of rain.

Ps we always say Moss and Shaw are married now as they were next to us when we got married!!

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