And it is bursting forth, everywhere you look there are buds on trees, bees are appearing and we even have Blue Tits nesting in our box right opposite my bedroom window.

Took Phoebe for her usual sprint around the village in very fine drizzle, so you can imagine I didn't want to hang about.  Was struck by the amazing colour of this Berberis  Darwinii which was growing on a hedge down the road.

Now it is  very late and whilst I am typing this in Matthew's room which is in the loft of our home, the wind is rattling around as though it is trying to gain entry.  Having watched the Noah film this evening on BBC, just hope we are all safe in our beds tomorrow.

Another Monday accomplished, and Easter even closer.  Looking forward to seeing Matthew here for his Easter holiday.  We are not going to tell him of the house move yet until we know where we are going to live.  No need to trouble him.

Thankyou dear blippers, you're a wonderful bunch of people.  Sending hugs as always. xxx

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