Easter Egg Thieving Dino.......

....We had to chase this one all the way to the beach ...Flynn caught him just as he was about to swim all the way to Indonesia with his easter loot.

I actually blame the Easter Bunny (who was very miffed at the though of being usurped by a bat) for keeping my awake all night......we scoffed down so much chocolate  yesterday there was no way I was going to get to sleep...today I am wrecked. I would of liked to of stayed in bed all day but no luck around here.

Daylight saving has finished now...YAHOO!...it's such a ridiculous thing it needs to get the big stick I reckon....I will be glad when all the Easter eggs have finished too...I might hire another couple of those Dinos to steal them away to Indonesia.

“She picked up his fears like Easter eggs and collected them in her basket. And carefully broke each one open.”
Pepper Winters

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