Don't worry be happy

Don't Worry Be Happy - Bob Marley. Listen and cheer up! :)

I found this message on a bicycle bell this morning as I was going to the gym. It cheered me up!

"Many people today feel this sense of being trapped, locked inside a life that no longer seems to satisfy them. There is a feeling of quiet despair kept at bay by constant activity or new wonder drugs. Who among us has not at some time felt the need to break out to a new life? Fantasizing about being set free by a beautiful new lover, maybe, or winning the national lottery. Some of us spend our lives waiting; waiting for something to happen that will change our lives. yet the basic and rather obvious lesson of life, seemingly so hard to grasp, is that happiness is a state of mind, not something that can be taken from others or from the outside world. " - Passage taken from "Change your mind" by Paramanda.

I wanted to post a positive blip today and here it is!

I had a long lie this morning, had my breakfast, went to the cake shop to return the hired cake tin and then I went to the gym. After the gym, I felt great. I did some food shopping, some washing and I'm now ready to start finishing and decorating the chocolate cake, which you will see in my tomorrow's blip!

Working early tomorrow so I'll try not to stay up till late this evening.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments. I hope you all had a lovely day! :)

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