
By Mindseye

The long and short of it........

Today has been a busy one!

An early breakfast.........then on to preparing the potatoes and vegetables for Sunday dinner. We were having roast chicken, so I made some sage and onion stuffing too.

Then a quick shower and hair done by 10.45, before jumping in the car to go and pick mum up. Hub stayed behind and made sure the house was decent and had instructions to put the chicken into the oven ;-) Once I'd collected mum, we then drove across Manchester towards Liverpool, to pick up youngest son and his wife, who were also joining us for dinner.

We all got back to ours around 1pm.........Mum was keen to look more closely at youngest, as she hasn't seen him since his eye op! Although we'd been in th car together she hadn't really got a good look at him, so when she did, she said "oh, you've got a beard!!" It doesn't sound that funny, but it was at the time!!! He'd grown it since she saw him last ;-)

We all had a good catch up, before dinner...... which was demolished pretty quickly by everyone, including mum ;-) nothing left at all, which is always good when you've cooked :-)

Then on to the main event.......the reason why we had an early dinner so we could all watch the Derby! We were hopeful that the Reds would play well and win.....and thankfully we were right :-)

Before it was time for us all to pile back into the car I said that I needed a blip and as youngest is fairly tall, his wife is quite tall too, whereas mum is getting smaller as the years go by, I thought it might make an amusing blip. Mum used to be taller than me, and that's not very tall at all, but now I've probably got five inches on her. So they lined up, all laughing at the difference in height, 18 inches in all!!! Hub knelt down on the floor next to Mum!

I think they look like a set of Russian dolls.....
Mum was laughing so much she needed her hanky to wipe her eyes :-)

After dropping off in Liverpool and Manchester Hub and I finally got back home around 9pm, just in time for Poldark :-)

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