Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Shep and her lamb

Shep has had her lambs. She had twins but one didn't make it, both boys and this one is the survivor. Chaos in the lambing field this morning including the unfortunate death of a lamb that fell into a ditch after being lambed. The mother of the dead one was trying to steal another ewes lamb. We took in the other two as that lamb was struggling after a difficult birth. It did take me a while to find the other ewes dead lamb. Must have walked the lambing field about 20 times this morning. Put a ewe with sufflok twins back to the field all happy there. Moved this guy and his new mum into a bigger pen to check all definitely ok. Husband and I put number on the ewe and the lamb so if they get lost in the field we can easily identify and help them. The numbering turned into a bit of a disaster with husband drawing a back to front 5 on the ewe and me not stopping the spraying soon enough and making a 6 on the lamb on one of its sides. Never mind I know them both anyway the odd numbered pair, at least it makes me laugh!!! Been feeling a bit down about the dead lambs this morning.

Lambing has started at the farm where we manage the livestock, husband said there had been an explosion of them when he turned up this morning. So more fun for us!!

This afternoon we brought the cattle in to tag and put pour on to stop the ticks on the two most recent calves including Morags heifer calf.

Spent the last half hour making 6 flans as we have had and eggsplosion of eggs and even with feeding them to the dogs I am not able to use them up fast enough.

9c 8mph W wind. Sunshine with a couple of heavy showers in the morning and dry all afternoon

ps  ANOTHER lamb photo but that's pretty much all my life evolves around at the moment!!

Pps it's Pips 3rd Birthday today can't believe it was 3 years ago that Shaw had her pups, in the middle of lambing!!

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