Boone Station State Historic Site

Most American children of the 1950's were brought up on the daring deeds of the likes of Daniel Boone, Jim Bowie & Davy Crockett--mostly because there were TV shows at that time that featured each of them--& the ralllying cry when playing with my brothers when we were small was always "Remember the Alamo!" (ALSO due to tv, rather than an overwhelming love of history). :)
So when I saw that we were only a couple of miles from the site of Daniel Boone's  Station, I thought we should visit it. We met the nicest lady who was there with her extremely friendly, attention - loving golden retriever, Duke! She's the caretaker of the property, & a fountain of knowledge about Daniel & his family. Although the buildings are no longer there, it was a breathtaking vista of hills, trees, greenness (which really stood out to me, since back home everything is still brown) & it has a fresh water spring located on the property; even now, 236 years later, I can see why he chose this spot for a settlement, as you'd be hard put to find a lovlier place! 
Daniel Boone & his family established the station in 1779, after leaving Boonesborough settlement, & Daniel was joined there by his sister & her family, who stayed here until 1814, & by his older brother, Samuel & Samuel's family. At one time, this site was home to 20 families. Daniel left the settlement in 1784, but Samuel lived here until his death, at the age of 88, in 1816. This is Samuel's grave, placed where he requested it to be--half way up a small hill where he can keep eternal watch over the land.  :)
Drove about 7 hours today--drizzle, little sun, drizzle, little peek of sun, pouring rain, skies lighten up, drizzle---you get the idea. Spending the night in Orangeburg, Georgia. Only about an hour and a half from Savannah, so I think we'll forsake the expressway tomorrow & meander our way into Savannah via some small back roads, where the traffic is less & the scenery even more beautiful! :)

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