An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Tree and Pylon...

I've lost count of the number of times I've blipped this tree and pylon but it's one of my favourite trees so no doubt it will be blipped again in the future. Plus it's an easy shot from the comfort of the car and since I'm not going to be wandering outside for the foreseeable future, I'm happy to grab a landscape shot any way I can :-)

Saw GP this morning and after some painful prodding (!) he referred me to PRI for an X ray.

David took me up this afternoon and as I was unable to walk from the car to the radiology dept, David brought out a wheelchair thingy from A&E and wheeled me in backwards, which is the only direction these chairs seem to go in! What a hoot. Me clinging on for dear life while he tried his best not to tip me out the damn thing.

X-rays done but no orthopaedic doc around to check them so the report will be sent to my GP next week. In the meantime I'll continue to be very careful when I'm on my feet and do the exercises advised by my GP.

Going ahead with our get together with friends on Saturday night. Ele is coming up tomorrow and will help me with as much of the food prep as possible. Carpe Diem I say :-))

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