And the winner is...

Today (Sunday) I went to the annual All Daughters' Luncheon sponsored by a group of women from my church to raise money for cancer research in memory of one of their good friends. It is an annual event, and  a Chinese auction is always part of the fund raising effort. This year I purchased $30 worth of tickets for the auction, chose five or six items to "bid" on and deposited my tickets in the bags next to each of those items. To the amazement of everyone, myself included, my ticket was drawn for not one, not two, but for three of the items. Today's blip is me holding a hand-crocheted afghan, which was one of the items I had bid on. I only bought the tickets to support their fundraising effort, and look what happened! I also won an electronic toothbrush and movie tickets, so it looks as if I will have cleaner teeth and sometime soon  Bob and I will have a date night at the movies. The All Daughters' luncheon is a wonderful event and supporting cancer research through the American Cancer Society is an effort dear to their hearts and mine too.

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