
By carliewired

Heritage Fair

History stories
of Canada, told by the
young to celebrate

~ carliewired

J and I assisted with judging at our regional Heritage Fair. It is an occasion for local students to present their Canadian Heritage projects for marks in a competition for awards. It is also a means to select students who may go on to the national Heritage Fair. 

Each student researches a Canadian history topic. It may be a family member, a building, a business or a team. The topic may have local interest like an event or landmark. It may have national importance such as an explorer or an invention. 

Students are guided in their research to expand their understanding of their chosen topic. Each keeps a journal of the progress in their study. Topics can be presented in many ways. The most common way is for students to type up their findings and mount pages and photos on a project board. Students work to make their projects attractive and colourful.

In our role as judges, J and I examined the work done by each student. We listened to each student present their findings to us and talk about the process they went through putting it all together. 

We enjoyed the projects, the students and the event.

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