Oh Dear!

This is the sight that greeted my bleary eyes this morning. Along with lots of giggling!
And banging of toys and ringing bells. 
At 5am. After not much sleep at all. Uuuughhhhhhhh!!
Luckily it's face paint rather than pen.
So the election results are in. Miss E seems to be under the impression that the man who sits on the throne in the government castle has won. All thanks to us!!
Ha ha, must learn how to explain it all better next time!
Although Miss E has more of a clue what's going on than Miss L. 
When I picked them up from the school last night I let them play on the field for a bit and then I said it was time to go. Miss L looked sad and said "You said we were going on a boat.
I never said we were going on a boat
You did. You said we had to go home and go on a boat
The penny dropped.
I said we had to go home and vote!
It did make me laugh!!!
I'm sat watching election coverage and putting off the washing up and clothes sorting.
I think it's going to be a very lazy day.
And an early night.
Is Noon too early?!!

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