Election Day

Polling stations close in twenty minutes. We're in that weird limbo before it all starts up again. I think it'll be a long night!
Mr K came home a bit earlier than normal and we took the Little Misses down to the village hall with us so they could see us vote. We didn't have too much choice in our constituency - our MP is John Bercow, the Speaker of the House and I discovered the other day that the convention is for none of the main parties to stand against the Speaker. So we had a choice between him, UKIP and the Greens.
I feel a bit disenfranchised but did a bit of research (read the only leaflet that came through the door!) and made my decision.
The Little Misses were giddy helping us vote. Asking lots and lots of questions from easy: why are you putting an x in that box? to difficult: so that man will be Prime Minister now you've chosen him?
It's really hard to explain the system to them!
They each put a ballot paper in the box and felt very important. 

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