Garden Variety

After the spectacular bluebells of last weekend it was nice to see these little ones peeking out from under a bush in our garden.
I went to the gym first thing and then met Mr K and the Little Misses for Miss E's swimming lesson. She was amazing! 
We pottered around for a bit - the Little Misses sitting out in the garden in the rain and then coming in to watch appalling cartoons with freakish looking freak fairy girls, and me in the bath. What a rubbish Mummy!!!
Then we went to Milton Keynes to pick up an eBay bargain I bought yesterday. Nine galvanised planters, buckets, pots, a bath and a wire plant stand. All for the bargain price of £23. Woohoo!! Future Blips I'm sure. 
In our fabulous new garden!
And handily enough collection was near our friends Mrs Z and Mr K so we popped round.
Just for a quick cup of tea and a chat I thought. A couple of hours at most as we needed to get to Ikea, Asda and Homebase.
We left at 8pm after a lovely afternoon and evening. Lots of chat and laughter and a feast of pizza and chicken wings.  Fab!
The other Mr K certified some documents for us - one of the many thousands of forms that Mr K has spent the whole week filling out.
Ha ha, he does that and I look at things on Pinterest and snap up bargains in eBay. I've got the best end of the deal!!

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