A Bucket of Roses

Today my lovely girl literally gave me a bucket of roses...all different types... and colours ......and they smell like heaven...I have had to divide them up into 3 vases.
Yesterday was some double lilies....and there are some purple tulips dancing in their vase.........I guess it is a wonderful thing to have florist as a girlfriend  and ones daughter works for her sometimes.
What to say? Mothers day tomorrow is going to be full of floral beauty...how lucky am I...there are also a couple of little presents wrapped up on the table...for moi.
No matter how wonderful all this is ....nothing will eclipse the birthday of the little prince (who has turned to the dark side and reckons he is Darth Vader) on Monday..it is hard to believe that he will be 4 years old....already ....jeez!
Not been home very long after spending the afternoon with Ma and Pa....the days have been so full of late...but I had to take some time out to blip as I have already missed a couple of days.
I wanted to share one of my beautiful roses with you..........I hope this is macro enough for Maymacromahem.

“People have forgotten this truth," the fox said. "But you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince     

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