.....or maybe twice,  I am doing as I am told - well for a few days anyway.  The operation went well and I came home yesterday afternoon, as planned.  Having spoken to Simon, the anaesthetist, about my concerns, I was not sick afterwards and my crowns remain intact.  I had told him that I wasn't bothered about the gold ones, as long as the front one stayed put and he said he would do his best - and he did!

I was very chatty whilst in recovery, and apparently, kept them all amused - Jennifer, the nurse who was with me said "We like chatty!"  I am reliably informed that George Clooney was in attendance and did spot him once or twice!

So, now it's rest, rest and more rest, apparently.  I don't do "resting" very well, so it will be a new experience for me - but I have lots of friends who will come and visit, particularly next week when Mr. HCB is due to go to cricket.  

For the moment, however, he is insisting I do as I am told and having been down for breakfast, I have come back to bed to rest.  Daytime television is not for me, so reading, praying, resting and of course, gently exercising will be on the agenda - interspersed with a little bit of FB and blogging, and of course, blipping, so that should keep me out of mischief for a while.  I think I need to get a little bell though to call Mr. HCB - with his "selective" hearing, shouting doesn't always work!

Took this photograph using Photobooth - and it is on kaleidoscope mode - six of me is probably five too many, but it makes for an interesting shot.

Thank you for all your kind thoughts, comments and prayers - Helen T, my nurse was amazed that I was messaging and responding to blippers so soon after the operation, but I wanted to let people know how I was.

Activity and rest are two vital aspects of life.
To find a balance in them is a skill in itself.
Wisdom is knowing when to have rest,
when to have activity,
and how much of each to have.
Finding them in each other -
activity in rest and rest in activity -
is the ultimate freedom.”
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Celebrating Silence

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