I first met Tim just over a year ago in a local coffee shop and we just “clicked” probably because we are  both Christians and have the common bond, not only of our faith, but the fact that we both love coffee.  We met again this morning at the same coffee shop, Baila, and spent a couple of hours catching up with each other. 

When I first met him, he was “between jobs” so we could meet on any day of the week, but now he is working, it is more difficult, but I always come away from meeting him feeling encouraged and I hope he feels the same after we have met.

I was telling him that since the end of February, I had been feeling so unwell and had had to pace myself, but thankfully, I am now much better, but am still trying to be sensible and not do too much.  However, I said that I believed God had taught me such a lot in these last few weeks, and I didn’t want to lose that sense of peace that I knew was the result of me being closer to God.  

Tim was the one who encouraged me to start writing a Blog, and also helped me to set it up, but I had to confess today that I had rather fallen by the wayside with this and hadn’t posted anything since November.  He writes one too, Dancing to the Rhythm of Heaven, and you can read it here - and incidentally, we didn't spill ours today!

I look forward to meeting Tim again soon - and thank him for a Saturday morning well spent!

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.
Proverbs 27:9 
The Message

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