
My goodness it's hard to get a decent picture of a loopy Springer Spaniel puppy!!
As the Little Misses hardly got to see River last night my mum brought her over for a couple of hours tonight. There was lots of running around, squealing, eating plastic pots, jumping on and off the table and general over excitedness!! It was exhausting just watching them!
They all took her for a walk along the lane along with Maisie and had a lovely time. Lots of running apparently!
We packed them off to bed - Miss L fell asleep between getting in and me going to read her story! - then had an evening watching Chelsea hopeful gardeners. Very inspiring!
We had a letter today from Sprocket, Thwacket and Trout* about the purchase of our house. Unfortunately it was a letter about the purchase of the house we're currently renting rather than the house we're trying to buy. Oh dear!
I can't wait for it all to be sorted so I can stop worrying that it's all going to fall through at any minute.

* Or is it Snagsby, Stiggins and Rudge?**
** Or is it Expensive, Useless and Crap?!!

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