
Sunny and rainy and sunny and windy and hot and cold and sunny and rainy......
What mad weather we're having!
Miss L's friend from school came round this morning to play which was lovely. She is confusingly (for me because I'm rubbish with names!) also called Miss E and it's like a tongue twister when we're talking about the children!
Mrs B is very nice and bought amazing flapjacks with her. Special magic ones with no calories which are perfect for me on weigh in day!!
Miss L and Miss E had fun, we had yummy wraps for lunch and a few hours chat. Lovely!
After an afternoon of pottering I went to collect Miss E from school
I had to wait while she and Miss T popped off into a hedge in a field round the back to see the fairies before we headed home.
I would have liked to see the fairies myself but Miss E very earnestly explained to me that grown ups couldn't fit!
I cooked their dinner at top speed and went out as Mr K came in. Off to Bicester to meet Mum for Fat Club.
One and a half pounds off for me which gives me a grand total of one and a half stone off!!
I am so pleased! I'm starting to feel thinner and - more importantly - a lot of the joint problems I was having have disappeared. Amazing!!

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