Angel in my garden

We took a ride up to my aunt and uncle's house in northwest NJ today.  My parents came along too.  My aunt and uncle live close to Pennsylvania and there is a great place there that makes all the cement fountains, statues and gargoyles for your garden. 
So we met up at my aunt and uncles house and then we all piled into their truck and they drove us to Paolini's.  The angel pictured is just one of my purchases.  I wanted to place the other pieces in the garden before taking a photo of them. 
After loading the truck up with our new garden décor, we drove into the town of Easton, also in Pennsylvania, and had lunch at the most incredible Italian restaurant.  I had an arugula salad that was delicious followed by a personal size pizza with spinach, chicken and goat cheese.  It was sooooo good.  I rationalized that I would walk off the calories when I got home.  I did just that too.  I will admit that I think all my walking this week is hitting me all at once tonight.  I feel like I could sleep for a few days easy. 
I am going to visit all your journals tomorrow and catch up with comments.  I need to get to bed before I wake up with the keyboard on my laptop imprinted on my face in the morning. 

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