The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Signs of dissent

...round the corner from where I live, in Bowbridge Lane. This sign made my day. There was a Green Party poster in the window. The next five years are going to be very long, not to mention austere. I've had it up to the back teeth with austerity, but one of my employers (not the main one) keeps on not paying me until prodded repeatedly, so plus ca change....

Anyway, lovely sunny day, as it progressed.I finally dragged myself out of a sunny arm chair down town to buy local honey. Spent a couple of hours browsing around the shops, then came home to attempt to make creamed (soft-set) honey. Results in a weeks' time!

Steve and I sat out in the cabin in the late afternoon sun, then I made gluten-free pizza (third recent attempt) and this time, for the first time. it was actually edible, as in, we ate the whole thing. I love Saturdays like this. At this rate, It won't be long before I am wearing Laura Ashley, cheesecloth and bare feet, as I feed my chickens and tend my bees.

Then again, by this time next year I may be into something completely different. Making Airfix models, perhaps.

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