The Secret Garden

TT lives in his own wee world.  He gave BB his breakfast, made him sandwiches for his packed lunch and made him get dressed for school.  BB quite rightly questioned the getting dressed for school bit, to which TT said, he had better check with me.  I was still in bed as BB had a day off school and I had taken a day off.  Interestingly TT hadn’t bothered to chase me to get up at any point!

It has rained on and off all day, but we now have a lovely evening.  After a few chores, BB suggested we play a few board games, which we did: frustration, snakes and ladders, Ludo and the game of life.  The game of life is fun.  I chose the career path and was firstly an athlete, then a scientist.  I got married, bought a house, didn’t have any kids and retired first.  BB on the other hand went for a college life, became a video game designer, got married, had five kids, eventually bought a ranch so there would be lots of space for the kids and eventually retired!  Whew!!  He then requested pizza and chips from the GG – so off we went and I had exactly the same!

By the time we finished, the rain had gone off so we wandered to the river where the swan is still sitting on her nest.  Next stop was the secret garden which was looking lovely.

As the sun had appeared I rushed home, hung out some washing and then we headed to Dunbar for a wander in the sunshine as well as to find an ice cream for BB.  The tide was at its highest, and BB had fun avoiding the waves as they crashed up.  He also begged to be spun faster and faster on two twirly things at the play park.  I don’t know how he survived, especially after the pizza, chips and ice cream! 

On the equivalent of this Monday holiday last year I wrote on blip, Today was the hottest day of the year so far……  I definitely couldn’t say that today, but by chance we visited the same place, the secret garden. Here are some lovely tulips from the garden.  The extra blip shows them in context in the orchard meadow.  Compare with last year.   

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